Tuesday, July 10, 2012

End of the Year

Being that it is summer, I'm not really sure where to start with my posts. I thought I would share what I did for end of year gifts for my students. I like to give some sort of something to my class at each of the holidays so they remember me, but I didn't really have anything specific for the end of the year. Looking on Pinterest, I found a teacher who gave a crazy straw and a Kool Aid packet and I loved that idea! It was simple and inexpensive! Here's how they turned out:

On the card I put a poem on one side and my "Crazy Kool Summer" message on the other. I found the poem on Pinterest as well, and I just liked how positive and upbeat it was! I used curling ribbon to attach the card and Kool Aid packet to the straw.

I would say that these gifts were a pretty big hit! The kids seemed to like them and I think they were different than anything else they had received in the past. I'm defintely doing this one next year!

~ Ashley

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