Sunday, August 19, 2012

Please Bring It!

School has officially started in full force! And I'm pretty sure the "honeymoon" period is already over... Here I thought that if I got my blog started over the summer, I would easily be able to keep up with a post or two each week once the school year started! Ha! First week of school and I haven't even thought of "blog-land" until today! :o)

When pondering different post options, I decided to go with a technology/management tool that I have use a few times already this year! I am very thankful that someone told me about it, so I thought I would pass it along!

Bring It is an easy to use online sign-up sheet site that can be used in a number of different ways. Each year there are many times when we need parents (or students) to sign up to bring different materials or food for parties or activities we are doing in our class. Before I found this site, it was a pain to have to send home notes in Thursday Folders and hope that they made it home to the parents... But now the process is so much easier!

One way that I am going to use this site next week during Back to School Night is by having parents sign up for my different volunteer opportunities. Here is how you get started:

1. Go to

2. Click on "Get Started" in the upper right hand corner.
3.  Then fill in your information. 
** Make sure you choose something for your custom domain that you will remember! This is what you will use whenever you want to sign in to your account! **

4. Once you've created your account, you can start making new sign-up sheets by clicking
5. When you create your sign-up sheet, you can title it with what your event is and then select your event type. It doesn't really matter which type you choose because the formats are all the same. 
6. Now you can start to put the items or tasks that you need into your sheet. You can also add a note to whoever you are sharing this with to add more details about the event. 
When you're ready to share, you copy the link on the right-hand side of the page and email that to your parents. They will be able to view your page and sign up for what they are willing to do. The best part is that they can include their email address and Bring It will send them a reminder email!

Here is the form that I created for my Volunteers:
What I really love about this is that parents know exactly what I need and I won't get multiple parents who are interested. I've used a Google Form for this in years past, but then I get parents who are interested in the same opportunity, but I only need one. I'm really looking forward to using Bring It throughout the year!

Now, time to plan the rest of Back to School Night...

1 comment:

  1. How cool! Thanks for the share!
    I am your newest follower!
